Karnataka SSLC Result 2020
Karnataka SSLC Result 2020: Karnataka SSLC 2020 is to be released in this week. The Karnataka Primary and Secondary Education Minister S Suresh Kumar siad that the Karnataka SSLC Result 2020 date is not confirmed yet. Earlier, there were rumors across the social media that the SSLC result will be released on August 7, however, the minister has said that the date is not assigned yet.
The new date for Karnataka SSLC Result 2020 will be decided. The board will release the result on its official website. Students are requested to check on karresults.nic.in or kseeb.kar.nic.in for any new updates.
Steps to check Karnataka SSLC Result 2020:
- Visit the official website of the board - karresults.nic.in or kseeb.kar.nic.in
- Click on the link "SSLC Examination Results - 2020" (the link will be activated soon)
- A new page opens up
- Enter details like Roll Number/Hall Ticket Number etc.
- Click on the submit button.
- 'Karnataka SSLC Result 2020' will be displayed on the screen.
- You can download it and take a printout for your use
Indiaeduresults.com wishes best of luck to all the students.
SSLC Exams 2020 were postponed due to the lockdown started due to increase in Corona cases. The Karnataka Class 10 board exams were later held from June 25 to July 4.